1300 468 931


Wrong Fuel Extraction?

Wrong Fuel Removal? Roadside Response can drain, flush, or clear any wrong fuel placed in your car to get you back on the road again.
Don't let putting wrong fuel in your car ruin your day. Call Roadside Response today!

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Get Roadside Assistance as the touch of a button, with our new Roadside Assist web app. Simply tap the app, choose 'Out of Fuel, or Wrong Fuel Extraction' and we will be on the way to get you going again. Its 'Pay As You Go' Roadside Assistance made easy with Roadside Response.

*Roadside Response Members Excluded

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Misfuelling Your Car can be a hassle, but Roadside Response can help. Our national network of specialised Roadside Assistance providers can help with a range of emergency breakdown situation.
It may not be a fuel issue? Whether you've run out of fuel or have a hidden mechanical issue, Roadside Response can find a solution to get you back on the road.

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How It Works

car battery roadside assistance Sydney
emergency roadside services

Call 1300 468 931 or save time
and book using our Smart App

24/7 road services

Pay for the service you
need by Credit Card*

emergency roadside assistance

Technician arrives to get
you back on the road again

Pay As You Go, Emergency Roadside Assistance customers must pay for the delivery of this service and the supply of fuel and requires upfront payment by credit card. Cancellation fees may apply for any Pay As You Go Emergency Roadside Assistance booking which is confirmed and then cancelled after the grace period. See full Terms and Conditions.

Our Services

fuel supply
Wrong Fuel Extraction

Adding wrong fuel to your car could happen more than you might think. Whether you put petrol in a diesel vehicle or diesel in a petrol vehicle; don't panic, we can drain it from your fuel tank, and clear it for you. Simply call 1300 468 931 and we can misfuel your car and put the right one for you so you can continue your journey. Anywhere...

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battery replacement
Mechanical issues

Maybe you haven't run out of fuel? Perhaps your suffering from a mechanical breakdown? Need need to panic. Roadside Response can arrange to have your vehicle professionally towed to the nearest mechanic for repairs; for less than you think. Call today for a quote.

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Whether you you put petrol in a diesel* or the opposite, Roadside Wrong Fuel Extraction Response provides an unexceptional fuel extraction service. We work on all fuel types; diesel, leaded or unleaded, no matter what the fuel type is, we can drain and flush it from your fuel tank., our Roadside Assistance network will bring highly experienced mechanics to extract the wrong fuel our of your car, and bring out enough fuel to get you mobile again so you can make it to the nearest service station, fill up and continue on your journey. This service is available to our Pay As You Go Emergency Roadside Assistance customers.  Yes, it's available to every Aussie motorist, you just need a valid credit card to purchase the service when you call us.

Have you filled up with the wrong fuel type? Don't worry, in most cases, we can help you solve the problem and get you back on the road again...fast.

*vehicles requiring LPG will be towed to the nearest authorised service station

When you need a Wrong Fuel Removal Response, call Roadside Response....anytime, anywhere.

Whether you need a wrong fuel extraction from your car tank, petrol or diesel*, our Wrong Fuel Removal Team can clear the wrong fuel from your car, and deliver enough fuel to get you back on the road (up to a maximum of 10 litres), and mobile again so you can make it to the nearest service station, fill up and continue on your journey.  In the event, if you require LPG or another fuel/energy system we will tow your vehicle to the nearest provider.

Pay As You Go Roadside Assistance

Roadside Assistance Wrong Fuel Extraction Service and the delivery of emergency fuel are available to every Aussie motorist via our Pay As You Go Emergency Roadside Assistance service.  It removes the need to pay for ongoing subscription-based roadside assistance, which can save you money!  It can also bring peace of mind knowing your loved one can receive roadside assistance support anywhere.  Pay As You Go is simply that, pay for the roadside assistance service you need, when you need it such as 'running out of fuel'.



roadside response customer reviews

Roadside Response keep our rental van on the move 24/7. There nationwide coverage and pay to use platform is just perfect to help me keep my maintenance costs low & my vehicles on the go!

Paul S.
Self Move Hire

Thanks for the great service. I didn’t realise that getting a battery delivered and installed cost less than buying it in the shops. I’ll be telling all my mates about Roadside Response.

Ross Mulligan

“What a great idea, I don’t drive far but to have Roadside Response available when I need it, awesome”

Rebecca T.

“Great job getting my keys back for me, felt like a right fool today..thanks again”

Peter G.

Keero was really helpful over the phone. He asked a couple of questions and we figured out straight away that the problem was most likely a dead battery. Phil was in the area and arrived in less than 40 minutes. Got a new battery and I was back up and running again. Thanks guys.

James Burrett

I used your battery replacement service yesterday and want to compliment you on the quality of service supplied by your team and especially the representative who attended my request. I am very satisfied with the solution he provided.

Anthony Sharwood

I just want to thank you for getting to my house so fast. The car didn’t want to start this morning and I needed to get to work. The guy who changed the battery was real friendly and I was able to get to work almost on time (only 12 minutes late).

Lana Wilkinson

“I left my lights on overnight, your jump-start service is a life saver. Off to work now! thanks..”

Jade L.

“Thanks for the Fuel guys, i’ll recommend you again”

Jerry G.

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